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十月 22日, 2022

Are you trying to improve working productive? but time always slips away when mind shifts away.How can we deal with it?I installed Tide, every night before I go to sleep, I ran Tide and take meditation.Yeah, it improved my emotions, but I can not avoid it.Is there any APP can help us to avoid mind shifts away?this is TodoLine++, try to avoid negative emotions to improve working productive.

十月 22日, 2022

A) Pick a task you want to accomplish.B) Set timer for 25 minutes, keep focused and work hard.C) When pomodoro time is up, it will ask you to record emotion, when negative thoughts appear, it will lead you to take meditation or record reasons.D) Take a break.

十月 22日, 2022

Except manage task, we can use TodoLine++ to build habit, just set the time, it will remind us. TodoLine++ can sync data between multiple devices, such as Android, Linux, Windows.