1) What is depression?
From Wikipedia, Depression is a state of low mood and not wanting to do anything.
It can change our thinks, feels and does, it is mood illness that can lead to sadness and let us to loss interests.
If someone got depression, he always thought that he is the only one who isn’t doing things well in this world, and he blame himself.
Depression also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression.
2) How to judge we have depression or not?
To judge we have depression or not, a formal diagnosis must come from a professional person, maybe is our doctor, he will discuss of our thoughts, feels and behaviors.
Then he will make a final diagnosis by our symptoms according to DSM-5.
Here is a simple way to judge we have depression or not, but it’s not formal diagnosis:
We lost interest in normal activities and relationships for at least two weeks, and we need to meet at least five of these nine symptoms of depression every day.
A) Depressed or irritable mood
B) Decreased interests or pleasure in most activities
C) Significant weight changes (up or down)
D) Changes in sleep
E) Changes in activity level
F) Fatigue or loss of energy
G) Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
H) Problems with concentration
I) Thoughts of suicide
The method from: universityhealthnews.com/daily/depression/how-to-tell-if-you-have-clinical-depression
3) What cause depression?
A) Organic lesions: Such as brain damage
B) Age: Elder people are higher risk of depression, then need social support but often lack of it.
C) Drugs: Some drug will make people depression, such as Corticosteroids, Lioresal and Cyclosporine. Some drugs such as alcohol make us feel better temporarily, but finally we will get more depression.
D) Conflicts: Conflict with people, because we feel isolated from family or friends.
E) Loss love: Maybe love one go away or pass away.
F) Gender: Women are more likely depressed than men.
G) Genes. If our family has depression history, it will increase risk of depression.
H) Major events. Such as changing jobs, loss job, because the environment has changed, we may feel pressure for it.
I) Illness: Cause from other major illness.
J) Weather: Less sunshine will make us more depression, because sunlight provides us vitamin D.
K) Vitamin D: Some report said that Vitamin D deficiency may cause depression.
L) Hormones: Hormones may influence body functions, include growth and development, moods, sexual function and metabolism.
M) Expectations: We always expect something, but it always couldn’t happen, too many failures will harm our self-esteem, and finally, We feel helpless, feel hopeless, and we got depression.
N) Childhood Adverse Events: Some events of our childhood will cause depression, such as the history of abuse, poverty, and loss parents.
O) Negative Ruminations: something bad maybe happen on us, we think about it, and then we found more bad things, one after another… finally, we suck into negative thinking cycle.
P) Stresses.
Q) Inner Critic: We all have a inner critic to judge our doing, especially things doesn’t go our way, this will always happen constantly.
R) Loneliness.
4) How to deal with depression?
A) Anticipate social activities.
More lonely, more depression.
Other people can help us to figure out which thoughts is negative, and which thoughts are good. When we have troubles, they can help us to solves it.
B) Sports
Sports can help us decrease depression, you should choose your favorite sports to do.
C) Write down your negative thoughts.
Report said that write down your negative thoughts will decrease pressure, why? I think it will release your brain, maybe I’m wrong, but it’s a valid way to decrease depression.
D) Discuss with people which you trusted.
Discuss things which bring you depression with your trusted person will decrease depression.
E) Meditation.
Meditation can reduce brain chatter, lower stress. Just take a comfortable place, close your eyes, and noty your body, feel breath.
F) Reduce your workload.
Stress often from works, too many workloads give us too many stresses, if depression caused from working, just reduce your workload.
G) Change your focus.
You can change a place or change a topic, this may change our focus.
H) Make a friend.
I) Solves the problem.
If depression caused from conflicts with people, we can find out the reason, then soles it.
5) How to be productive when depressed?
See the methods above which to deal with depressions, some can do it by ourself, but some methods can’t, such as make friends and solves conflicts.
If we stay at scare place, we’ll feel nevous, we’ll get depression. If we have conflicts with people, we also feel nevous and get depression.
So, if we want to be more productive when we depressed, these steps maybe help you:
A) Can we solve depression by ourself? if yes, just do it, if not, try to change a place, or change environment.
B) list your items which need to archive.
C) Use Pomodoro Technique to improve your productivity.
But most people in most time didn’t realize that we’re in depressed, so how can we do?
TodoLine++ can prevent us to suck into negative thinking cycle.
You can also tell friends to remind you when you’re in depressed.